Inside Chris Corrigan's fierce battle to reform the Australian waterfront

Funds management pioneer and businessman Chris Corrigan took on one of the country's most powerful unions and won.
Matthew Kidman

Centennial Asset Management

Image: Chris Corrigan
Image: Chris Corrigan

Chris Corrigan has had his fingerprints all over corporate Australia for more than 50 years now. The boy from Bowral joined stockbroking firm Ord Minnett in the late 1960s to get the ball rolling. When Ords formed a joint venture with US fund manager Bankers Trust in the early '70s, Corrigan jumped in boots and all. He saw an opportunity to derail the establishment life insurance companies that dominated the Australian landscape. A disruptive force, Corrigan steered BT Australia to the top of the mountain before he started to get restless for his next adventure.

Leaving BT in the late '80s, he formed his own investment vehicle, Jamison Equity, picking off opportunities as they arose. During the 1990s, a chance to buy into port operator Patrick Stevedores arose. Stevedoring had been a tough business in Australia, hamstrung by militant unions. Corrigan thought he would give it a go, and before long it was his sole focus.

The election of the Howard government in 1996 was the green light he needed to challenge the Maritime Union of Australia front on. He restructured the business and went about removing union workers. A decision by the High Court forced the MUA to the trade table, and a significant agreement was struck that improved Australia's container movements forever. The battle was on the front page every day, and Corrigan took a major personal hit, but eventually got his way.

In this episode of Success and More Interesting Stuff, Corrigan shares the story behind the growth of an Australian investment powerhouse and his fierce battle to reform the Australian waterfront.

Listen to the podcast on the player below or read the transcript attached to the bottom of this wire.

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Matthew Kidman
Principal and Portfolio Manager
Centennial Asset Management

Matthew is the Principal and Portfolio Manager at Centennial Asset Management. Prior to this, Matthew was the CIO at Wilson Asset Management between 1998 and 2011, achieving 18% p.a. over the period.

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