Matthew Kidman: We are near the end of the longest structural bull market in history

Cover your ears and call your broker. This prediction's a doozy...
Hans Lee

Livewire Markets

This video is an excerpt of Matthew Kidman's Shocking Prediction at Livewire Live 2024, held on Tuesday 17 September 2024. 

Pandemic aside, if you started investing in Australian equities in 2009, you would be forgiven for thinking that they only go up in a straight line. Since the bottom in March 2009, the ASX 200 has increased by 160% just at the headline level. 

In the US, the gains are even more pronounced, with the NASDAQ and S&P 500's nominal gains (i.e. the rise in index points without inflation) being 11.8 times and 6.3 times, respectively.

Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management

But nothing lasts forever, and in this clip from Livewire Live 2024, Centennial Asset Management's Matthew Kidman makes the case for why we are in the very last innings of an unprecedented bull market - one that has been driven by almost every structural tailwind you can think of. 

While Kidman is on the record as being bullish over the next two to three years, something he classifies as a "cyclical" bull market, he says the next decade after that will likely be rough for investors (if history is anything to go by). 

You can watch Kidman's full Shocking Prediction in the following wire:

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Watch: 5 shocking predictions for 2025 and beyond
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1 contributor mentioned

Hans Lee
Senior Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archived profile. Hans was a senior editor at Livewire Markets from April 2022 to February 2025.

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