Mobile commerce growing 300% faster than e commerce

A recent article in Tech In Asia (VIEW LINK) highlights the growth in m commerce. No surprise China is the biggest market by along way. 99 Wuxian reported a very strong 1st half last week with Gross Transactional Volume up 57% (PCP), Total number of transactions on the platform up 86% (PCP) and Registered users up 47% (PCP) to over 45m, double Australian's population.
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Investorlink Group is a leading integrated investment house connecting China with the Australian and global capital markets. We offer expertise across a diverse range of industries including technology, energy, finance, infrastructure, real...
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Investorlink Group is a leading integrated investment house connecting China with the Australian and global capital markets. We offer expertise across a diverse range of industries including technology, energy, finance, infrastructure, real...
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