National Australia Bank's chief executive just sold 31,000 shares on-market

Andrew Irvine sold the shares for tax reasons according to a spokesperson.
Tom Richardson

Livewire Markets

Worries that big bank shares might be overvalued won't be helped by a disclosure that National Australia Bank's (ASX: NAB) chief executive Andrew Irvine sold 31,000 shares on market last week. 

The sale, disclosed to the ASX on Monday, saw Irvine earn cash proceeds of $1.1 million and equalled around 20% of the 156,317 shares he owned outside those issued as part of the bank's long-term or variable incentive plans. 

A spokesperson for the NAB said the share sale relates to Irvine's tax obligations. Irvine started the chief executive role in April 2024. 

NAB's boss share selling won't inspire confidence among other investors about the valuation. 
NAB's boss share selling won't inspire confidence among other investors about the valuation. 

NAB shares have tumbled around 10% since it closed at $39.51 on February 18, the day before its first quarter trading update revealed slightly softer-than-expected profit margins as funding costs finished higher than expected and mortgage lending remained competitive. 

3-month NAB price chart. Source: Market Index
3-month NAB price chart. Source: Market Index

Based on a share price of $35.32 on Monday, the bank trades on 15.6x diluted cash earnings per share of $2.27 over the year to September 2024, with a yield of 4.8%. 

NAB looks cheap compared to the Commonwealth Bank (ASX: CBA), which has often been referred to as the world's most expensive bank based on common valuation metrics such as price-to-earnings or price-to-book value of its total assets. 

CBA shares fetched on $157.13 on Monday and have advanced 33.3% over just the last 12 months. However, CBA shares are down more than 6 per cent since they peaked at $167.92 on February 14, with Westpac (ASX: WBC) also retreating from a recent record high after its March quarter profit margins contracted. 

3 stocks mentioned

Tom Richardson
Journalist, senior editor
Livewire Markets

Tom covered markets as a Markets Reporter & Commentator at the Australian Financial Review for nearly five years. Prior to that he was the Managing Editor of The Motley Fool Australia leading a team of around 20 investment writers during a...

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