Stagflation update, Oil weakness, Russia and China USD avoidance. As promised, we are keeping a steady update on the trend in our global inflation analysis
Aimed Capital
Stagflation update, Oil weakness, Russia and China USD avoidance. As promised, we are keeping a steady update on the trend in our global inflation analysis. Lo and behold, the trend resumes and disinflation signals return. Our leading indicator has crossed below our longer term inflation indicator and on the way lower again. Another false signal for higher global inflation. (VIEW LINK)
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Running the Aimed Global Alpha - Macro Hedge Fund. Aussie. Trader. Investor. Coder. Cricketer. Skier. Surfer. Flyer.
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Running the Aimed Global Alpha - Macro Hedge Fund. Aussie. Trader. Investor. Coder. Cricketer. Skier. Surfer. Flyer.
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