Storm warning: Aeeris Limited IPO closing Friday 6 March... Aeeris operates the Early Warning Network (EWN), providing a national location-based severe weather...
Storm warning: Aeeris Limited IPO closing Friday 6 March... Aeeris operates the Early Warning Network (EWN), providing a national location-based severe weather & all hazards alert service, 100 major corporate & government agency customers, Social media user base with over 200,000 subscribers ASX TICKER CODE: AERXBB TOTAL OFFER: Minimum $3.5m (14m shares), Maximum $6m (24m shares) AVAILABLE VIA ASX BOOKBUILD: $2 million (8m shares) ISSUE PRICE: $0.25 (Fixed Price) for one (1) share LEAD MANAGER: Veritas Securities Limited ACCESS: All investors can access this IPO via ASX ticker AERXBB OFFER CLOSE: 3pm AEST, Friday 6th March, 2015 MINIMUM ALLOCATION AMOUNT: $2,000 (8,000 shares) For the prospectus and more details click here: (VIEW LINK)
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At OnMarket, we are all former capital markets professionals who thought there was a better way for companies to raise capital, so we provided the know-how behind the technology that powers the world's first exchange-hosted capital raising...
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At OnMarket, we are all former capital markets professionals who thought there was a better way for companies to raise capital, so we provided the know-how behind the technology that powers the world's first exchange-hosted capital raising...
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