Want to know more about ETFs? J.P. Morgan has you covered with this comprehensive guide

J.P. Morgan Asset Management has shared its comprehensive research into the key trends in the global ETF market. Download the research here.
Chris Conway

Livewire Markets

Even casual market observers would likely be aware of the shift towards Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) by investors.

Since the first ETF – Toronto 35 Index Participation Units (TIPs) – was launched in Canada in 1990, ETFs have grown massively, expanding into different asset classes, sectors, and strategies.

That growth is showing no signs of slowing down, with research by J.P. Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) highlighting that there are now around 11,200 ETFs worldwide, with US$15 trillion under management.

Last year those ETFs saw US$144 billion of net flows, the 15 consecutive year in a row of next flows. 

Source: J.P. Morgan
Source: J.P. Morgan

In Australia and New Zealand, ETF assets under management (AUM) represent approximately US$151 billion, with active ETF AUM coming in at US$34 billion. But those numbers are growing rapidly – last year, we Aussies poured in around US$23 billion to ETFs, according to JPMAM.

Against this backdrop of demand, the asset manager has put together a comprehensive guide to the ETF landscape, highlighting the key trends across the burgeoning active ETF space, fixed income, and other key trends.

The guide also unpacks the principles of ETF investing, as well as ETF trading best practices.

More importantly, JPMAM has shared the guide with the Livewire audience, and it is available for download below. 

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Chris Conway
Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

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