Where to for private credit? | Andrew McVeigh

Hear Andrew, MD of Remara discuss the business & sheds light on Remaras' Private Credit Income Fund, which has returned 12.31% average p.a.
Murdoch Gatti

York Wealth Management

Andrew McVeigh is the Managing Director at Remara Investment Management. With over a decade of experience, Andrew has developed innovative lending strategies and has a deep understanding of private finance. His career offers unique insights into the evolving world of real estate and private credit markets.

Andrew explains Remaras' integrated model, there investment philosophy and sheds light on Remaras' Private Credit Income Fund, which has returned 13.5% annual returns as of late last year, just before Christmas. As of today they have averaged 12.31% p.a.

Beyond finance, Andrew shared his experience as a former board member of the Cronulla Sharks and discussed Remara’s new sponsorship of the St. George Dragons. By focusing on tailored solutions for small businesses and developers, this model not only addresses borrower needs but also carefully manages risk to provide consistent stability and returns for investors. Through vertical integration, Andrew’s team oversees every step of the lending process—from loan origination to borrower performance—ensuring greater oversight, control allowing Remara to respond swiftly to economic changes and reduce potential risks.

We also discuss major trends in finance, such as securitised credit’s rise, shifting borrower behavior, and how real estate adapts to higher interest rates. Andrew offers clear insights into navigating credit risk through vertical integration, emphasizing granular control over borrower quality and leveraging data for strategic decisions.

So, before we get into the conversation, please remember this ROCast is made for entertainment purposes only. I encourage you to listen to the disclaimer at the end of this ROCast and to keep your feedback coming.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. So sit back, relax, and enjoy!

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Murdoch Gatti
CEO | Private Wealth Manager
York Wealth Management

Murdoch: Adviser & CEO @ York Wealth Management. 'The Rate of Change' podcast shares the insights of some of the brightest minds in asset management. ...

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