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the rate debate
Latest news and analysis on the rate debate
August 08, 2024 12:00
The RBA says interest rate cuts are off the table for 2024. These investors
The statement appeared to be non-committal at first but RBA Governor Michele Bullock turned up the hawkish heat during the media conference.
Hans Lee
Livewire Markets
August 08, 2024 12:00
May 03, 2023 13:14
Mixed signals from RBA creating market
11 rate hikes in 12 months from the Reserve Bank have put serious pressure on households. But none of them shocked the markets - until now.
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
May 03, 2023 13:14
April 05, 2023 12:30
Did the RBA fuel the fire or douse the
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
April 05, 2023 12:30
Fixed Income
November 02, 2022 13:29
Storm clouds continue to gather in global
The RBA hiked rates for the seventh consecutive month as it seeks to stifle inflation. Global central banks continue aggressive monetary tightening despite early...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
November 02, 2022 13:29
Fixed Income
September 07, 2022 12:35
No sign of a pause as mortgage stress
Australia’s central bank has now raised interest rates five months in a row. It’s the most aggressive tightening cycle since 1994. With more hikes expected, and...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
September 07, 2022 12:35
August 03, 2022 12:48
Can the RBA thread the
After hiking for the fourth consecutive month, the RBA’s tone has shifted to suggest a pause at the September meeting is possible, reflecting in part the troubling...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
August 03, 2022 12:48
Fixed Income
July 06, 2022 12:25
Leading indicators warn of global
Central banks state they are not seeing signs of a recession as they continue hiking rates to curb spiralling inflation. But with forward indicators flashing red...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
July 06, 2022 12:25
Fixed Income
April 06, 2022 13:04
How high and how fast can rates
Rates will go up, but the speed and extent of the hikes remains an open question. In this podcast, Chris Rands from Yarra Capital Management discusses whether the...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
April 06, 2022 13:04
Fixed Income
March 02, 2022 14:14
RBA remains patient on rate
The RBA continued to keep rates on hold this month even though Inflation picked up more quickly than they expected. The length of time it took to resolve supply chain...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
March 02, 2022 14:14
December 08, 2021 14:03
The reopening trade to determine economic growth in
One of the key factors that will make or break the case for the RBA tightening in 2022 will be the reopening trade. Will consumers start spending heavily as is...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
December 08, 2021 14:03
Fixed Income
November 04, 2021 13:02
Market loses confidence in RBA and bond investors get torched as a
After days of speculation that saw the RBA hold Australian bond investors to the flame, only to come out with a far less “hawkish” hint rates would likely not rise...
Darren Langer
Yarra Capital Management
November 04, 2021 13:02
Fixed Income
September 08, 2021 15:44
How can the RBA be so
The RBA’s announcement yesterday had me asking one question: Am I meant to buy, or am I meant to sell?As I discussed with my colleague Darren Langer, co-head of...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
September 08, 2021 15:44
June 02, 2021 13:17
Could an increase in interest rates derail the housing market?
The market has seen a small increase in fixed-rate mortgages from some of the banks. Is this the beginning of a tightening cycle and has the Australian consumer seen...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
June 02, 2021 13:17
Fixed Income
May 05, 2021 09:51
Are we heading for a debt
The government's policies have been focused on spending and have encouraged Australians to borrow more, driving strong credit growth. However, the more indebted...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
May 05, 2021 09:51
Fixed Income
December 02, 2020 13:43
Could house prices top 20% growth in 2021?
If anyone questioned the power of low interest rates to drive house prices in Australia, they only need look back at 2020. Despite COVID-19, the recession, high...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
December 02, 2020 13:43
Fixed Income
November 04, 2020 09:50
RBA finally unleashes the bazooka
If the RBA cutting rates is the entrée for markets this week, then the outcome of the US election is the main course and dessert rolled into one. Tune in to hear...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
November 04, 2020 09:50
Fixed Income
October 07, 2020 14:51
Has the RBA gone too far by not going far enough?
Despite some industry heavyweights predicting a rate cut, the RBA kept rates on hold for October. What three reasons do Darren Langer and I give that could explain the...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
October 07, 2020 14:51
Fixed Income
September 02, 2020 13:06
Talk is cheap
Over the past few weeks, the RBA has started to change its narrative, suggesting that while negative rates are extremely unlikely, they’re not off the table. They’ve...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
September 02, 2020 13:06
Fixed Income
June 03, 2020 13:04
Is the RBA out of step with the rest of the world?
Despite the RBA’s recent monetary and fiscal intervention, a recession still seems to be on the cards. Why is the RBA so unwilling to follow along with more...
Chris Rands
Yarra Capital Management
June 03, 2020 13:04
Fixed Income
May 06, 2020 14:01
Credit crunch or crisis?
With an expected 10% contraction in GDP, rising unemployment, and inflation at the lowest level we’ve seen in decades, how has COVID-19 impacted credit markets and...
Nikko AM
Nikko AM
May 06, 2020 14:01
1-20 of 22
3 high-quality stocks to buy during the 'Trump slump' panic
Patrick Poke,
A Rich Life
Buy Hold Sell: 12 key ASX stocks and the important themes from reporting
Buy Hold Sell,
Livewire Markets
Buy Hold Sell: 5 stocks with massive growth
Buy Hold Sell,
Livewire Markets
L1 Capital launching new gold fund to capitalise on "huge anomaly"
Chris Conway,
Livewire Markets
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